29 December 2009

Status Updates: The New Window To The Soul

So it's long been rumoured that the eyes serve this purpose, but upon reading everyone's Facebook status updates, I beg to differ. Here's some of mine from this year.

Miriam Quincampoix (my obviously very accurate Facebook name)...
has discovered that it is in fact possible to eat too much sushi
has dreams that I'm a streptococcus
is sending best wishes to Steve Gurney, but wonders why you would endeavour to kite-buggy across the Sahara anyway?
is learning about the Human Development Index, and Pool is drinking a beer.
is getting a bruise from falling off a swiss ball onto a pile of weights. yusss (my personal favourite for the year)
often wonders if there's more to life than stalking, but very much doubts it.
is going to weigh like, 300lb by the end of the week if I keep eating McDonalds... hmm... *eats McDonalds anyway*
loves you, Ben Gilby-Todd. xxxxxx (still so true it breaks my heart)
might have left my phone in a barn in Ngaruawahia tonight... or maybe in Hayley's car? *crosses fingers*
is a fan of Rebecca Hill. (this came shortly after discovering the advent of tagging people in statuses)
wishes Thom Horton a happy birthday x
Waikato Sportswoman of the Year? ok then.. cheers sport waikato
and Rebecca Hill spent our night hurling abuse at people, apparently. good.
let's never do that again.
likes everyone's status, apparently.

That last one is true. I "like" just about everything on Facebook. People complain about the lack of a "dislike" function but I say, fuck that! Stop posting depressing shit on Facebook. Haha.

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